Dear Candidate,

You have chosen to apply online for 2025 admissions under College Merit. The online application consists of five simple steps.

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For all admission correspondences, contact:

Dr. Jyothis Thomas, Admission Officer, Mob: +91 9447205778
For NRI Seats: Contact: Rev. Fr. Mathew Koramkuzha (Manager) Tel: +91 8078  701 701,  +91 7907 724 115

For any kinds of Technical Assistants while Applying Online, Contact:

04822-239809 , +91 7012666393 | Email:

For all admission correspondences, contact:

For NRI Seats: Contact: Rev. Fr. Mathew Koramkuzha (Manager)
Mob: +91 8078 701 701, +91 7907 724 115, Tel: 04822 239714, 04822 239708

For any kind of Technical Assistants while Applying Online, Contact:
+91 7012666393 | Email:

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